

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What's Up!

I was recently sent an email from a friend wondering where I’ve been. Well, I tell you. I’ve been in weedville, that’s right weedville. I was up to my ass in education. It’s my final semester, and I’m in an accelerated master’s writing program, which means I’m finishing my undergrad while beginning my master’s. And it is fucking hard!!!!!! I have to read the equivalent of War and Peace each week and write about 30 pages on all kinds of shit. Hell, I’m out of breath just thinking about it. As of 3:15 pm yesterday, I started Spring Break. I plan to spend the time trying to catch up, and maybe get a tad ahead with school, touch base with friends and family, and have the occasional cocktail. Oh yeah, and burn through that pile of films from Netflix.

So, to catch up. My Bday in NOLA was awesome. The best music is out on the street and I woke up one morning to a lone sax playing Summertime. It was freezing in ATL, but beautiful Spring weather in New Orleans. The food was excellent. I ate at Brennen’s, Mr. B’s Bistro and spent lunch everyday at my favorite oyster bar in the whole world, Acme. Abita has a new beer, a stout called Turbo Dog. For those of you who know me well, I’m Guinness girl, but this beer made me cheat on my old favorite. The French Quarter is doing well, but the you don’t have to go far to see where things are still demolished. I took the streetcar up Canal until the end of the line and back. I saw plenty of abandoned buildings, FEMA trailers and a tent city of homeless men under the I 90 Bridge. The people do seem to be coping and I was overjoyed that a city that I love is recovering and surviving. Oh and I did hit a few clubs while I was there…just a few…some before noon…sorta became a habit. Damn that Turbo Dog is good beer.

Let’s see what else is new. A couple of weeks ago I attended a writing seminar, “The Hollis Gillespie Shocking Real Life Memoir Writing” blah, blah, something. That was fun. There were several other writers attending and they were a very interesting crowd. The mimosas flowed all day. We brainstormed ideas for possible novels and received some publishing and agent contact information along with query letter advice. I would recommend it anyone who is writing and outside of the academic setting. You need feedback and a community if you are going to be a writer. Out there in the real world it is very hard to get support, so it was great for networking with other writers.

My grandmother is still handing in there. Volunteer hospice is coming several times a week. It’s sweet that she doesn’t understand what hospice means. She believes nice people are coming over to help my mom take care of her. We are not educating her as to what hospice actually means and she doesn’t need to know. She still wants to go home and assumes that she will as soon as she is better. She has a goal, is cooperative and likes entertaining her new friends the hospice people. As long as she is comfortable and my mother is getting a break, I am thrilled. The stress was really wearing on my mom.

Well, it’s 4:15 in the afternoon and since I don’t have any immediate plans, I think it time for some vino. I may even watch a little TV. Gosh, I feel so decadent.

To all my friends, if I missed your birthday, party, gig, wedding, orgy or funeral or other special event, I am truly sorry. Believe me if I could have attended, written, called or joined in, I would have. Anything with my buds is preferable to what I have endured lately. Please keep me on your invite list, as I should be out of prison in May. Now if you will excuse me, It’s time to liquored up.

Love and Kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Hey I didn't expect an update so fast. I figured you were either busy or tired of blogging. I also leave blogging for weeks at a time just because I really hve nothing to say.

    Weedville huh? I been there. That is if you are refering to college. I wish I could afford to go back and finish a Bachelors degree. I had to settle for an Associates degree, but that' a story for another time.

    Turbo Dog? I've never wanted to try that, but if a fellow Guinness drinker likes it, then it must be good. I love me some Guinness though. The wife has "us" on a diet so I have been fasting (mostly) from alcohol so no Guinness for me. Which is odd because she was the one who introduced me to it. Before she came along, I was just drinking my life away with my other favorite bevarage Vodka.

    It's nice to hear that you and your loved ones are doing good.

    Your reference to being invited to an orgy reminded of a time when my brother asked me to come over while some church people were at his house. When he answered the door, I loudly said, "Hi, I'm here for the gang-bang!" The church people didn't laugh, but I thought it was hillarious.

    Well, enjoy your Spring Break,
